Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Magician's Nephew

After Disney made a film (plus three sequels) of "The Pirates of the Caribbean" theme park ride, surely the next logical step was to make a whole film from the short (albeit iconic) Mickey Mouse segment from "Fantasia".

And so we have the marvellous mediocrity of "The Sourcerer's Apprentice", which isn't particularly bad but isn't great either. I actually groaned when they redid the famous broom/cleaning scene. That said Alfred Molina is great as a panto baddie and there is a Star Wars reference so it's not all bad.

Nic Cage gets to snog Monica Bellucci, which I'm sure is the only reason he's involved (who'd pass up that opportunity). Finally Jay Baruchel is suitably nerdy and awkward, but I do find his nasal voice rather irritating.

Prime family / sunday afternoon viewing. Don't go in expecting much and you won't be disappointed.

But by the end you will want your own Tesla Coil.

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