Sunday, 26 June 2011

Absolutely the best thing on TV

I’ve been quite vocal about the fact that I think “Game of Thrones” is the best thing on television. Despite a slightly anticlimactic season finale, one the whole the series was consistently excellent, with complex characters and dense storylines.

Part of what let the final episode down was that they’d set so much up throughout the series that there was no way that everything was going to get resolved. I would have liked at least a few more loose ends tied up, however in the long run I think it’s probably a really good move, as season two is surely already the most anticipated television event of 2012?

It’s so rare that there’s an intelligent show where genuinely anyone could die at any point. Even in The Wire there were some characters (i.e. McNulty) that remained untouchable throughout. Add to this some excellent performances from the entire ensemble cast, with special mentions having to go to Aidan Gillen as the scheming Little Finger, and Sean Bean and the heroic, if not somewhat naïve Stark. The young actors are all brilliant, especially Maisie Williams who plays Arya (you she’s going to be a big part of future seasons) and Jack Gleeson who does a great job of making Joffrey the most detestable character in the whole thing. And whilst everyone gives solid performances, the true star of the show has to be Peter Dinklage as Tyrion, whose dry sarcasm provides the majority of the show’s laugh-out-loud moments.

The end of episode 9 was truly jaw-dropping (it actually made me start as I was so sure they weren’t going to go through with it), and the cliffhangers at the end of the season have left lots open for season 2. My early predictions are a Lannister/Stark war throughout the early episodes, before they’re forced to put their differences aside to deal with the White Walkers and what Jon Snow’s got going on up north. I doubt there’ll be any confrontation with Daenerys and her brood until season 3. On that note, a great ending to her story…I thought it was coming but it was nice to see them not shy away from such a “fantasy” twist.

It’s the show I’m recommending to everyone that they watch. I won’t hear anyone saying that they can’t deal with the “fantasy” side of it – the show could easily have been about warring affluent families in America – as it’s not about the setting it’s about the story. Much like Battlestar, the medieval backdrop just adds texture to watching the stories of these incredibly layered characters unfold.

Not sure if I can discipline myself to wait until 2012 for the new series…think I might have to start reading the books…

“Stick them with the pointy end.”

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