Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Prof

Apparently Professor Green isn't a real Professor.

What else are they lying to us about?!

Next thing you know, we'll find out that Doctor Dre isn't a qualified physician.

Monday, 26 March 2012


So, the combination of fatherhood, holding down a full time job and trying to occasionally sleep has really hindered my ability to post daily.

I'll keep trying to stay up-to-date, especially as I've got loads to run through (The Hunger Games, Woman in Black, The Walking Dead, Arkham City), but at the moment a post a day might be a bit ambitious.

I'll do my best, which is all we can ever do...

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

We built this city

Goddamn, is Arkham City impressive. I'm still only 25% through it, but wow. 

If it continues to this level, it'll join Super Mario Bros 3, Goldeneye and GTA: Vice City on my list of favourite games ever.

Monday, 19 March 2012

As you mean to go on

Interesting start to the week today. I got to work and someone had broken my Marvel Comics mug.

Hopefully things can only get better.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Following on from my comments about Disney the other day, I was reminiscing about how my favourite character from "Beauty and the Beast" was Gaston, the egotistical villain.

Not really sure what that says about me.

Saturday, 17 March 2012


I'm really not a gamer. I have a DS and enjoy the odd Professor Leyton challenge, but when it comes to keeping up with the latest games, I'm really behind the times.

But I'll be damned if Batman: Arkham City isn't one of the best games ever.

Admittedly, I'm inherently biased towards Batman, but it's absolutely incredible. Great story, great game play. Just the best.

Friday, 16 March 2012

A Whole New World

A recent discussion with friends about Disney songs reminded me of my theory that the song "A Whole New World" in Aladdin is just about sex.

If you really listen to the lyrics, you'll see I'm right.

"Take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under, on a magic carpet ride"

"don't you dare close your eyes"

I mean, come on. It's obvious, right? 

No. Just me then.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hawaii Five-Bobbins

Just watched the Hawaii Five-0 episode where they go to North Korea.



Tuesday, 13 March 2012


The BBQ is coming. 

In anticipation of the eighties theme, I'm compiling a playlist of eighties music. Or more specifically, I'm compiling a list of sings for my buddy Jake to compile a playlist of.

Get involved in the fun on Twitter on the hashtag #horangannbbqplaylist

It was trending worldwide last night (and by worldwide I mean I'm the only one who has posted to it).

There's still time though.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Drive Awesome

I like action movies. I (specifically) like 80s action movies (see much earlier posts). I also really like Christina Hendricks (for obvious reasons).

So then, it's no surprise just how much I enjoyed the uber-violent, uber-cool "Drive". Outstanding performances from Ryan Gosling and Albert Brookes and smatterings of extreme bloody violence made for a wonderful romantic evening with my wife.

That's how I roll.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Staying hungry

The Hunger Games is semi Battle Royale. It's Quasi Battle Royale. It's the margarine of Battle Royale. It's the Diet Coke of Battle Royale - just one calorie, not Battle Royale enough.

It's actually quite a fun book, but it is just Battle Royale for the Harry Potter generation. I'll be interested to see the PG-13 version of the 18 story on the big screen though. 

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Newish Girl

As American Sitcoms go, I'm quite enjoying New Girl. 

This is largely down to the brilliance of Schmidt, a truly original character.

Plus Zooey Deschanel (not sure if that's the spelling) is doing her "kooky" thing, which seems to be her only card, but she plays it well.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Artistic Merit

I didn't want to like The Artist as much as I did, largely because everyone went on about how good it was.

Annoyingly, it completely won me over. It's just as brilliant as everyone says.


Thursday, 8 March 2012

Paternity Leave

Had nearly two weeks off from blog posting, largely due to the fact that I'm now a dad. Instead of movies, TV shows and comic books; my life has mainly consisted of changing nappies and dealing with crying fits over the last two weeks.

Still, he's worth it.

Hopefully, I'll be back to normal with my posts from now on, and there will be an absence of references to pooey nappies.